Saturday, December 27, 2008

I'm Spicy!

I want to be just like my seven year old cousin when I grow up. 
Linda not only shares one of my names (my middle, her first...and we are not sharing it with you) she shares my love of science. 
However this is not why I want to be just like her. 
She is confident, fearless, and according to her...spicy!
I met Linda for the first time yesterday. She walked into the house stepped right up to me, stuck out her little hand and said, "Hello, my name is Linda, you must be the daughter" 
After introducing herself she went right into bossing everyone around. She had the whole house doing what she wanted in less than 30 seconds. She is my kind of woman! Here are a few little things you should know about Linda

1.) Linda loves dressing up and wearing high heels ... especially the ones that are in my kind of girl! She also loves being stylish. According to her, anything in my closet is stylish, so as long as she is dressed up she is good to go!
2.) Linda's favorite subjects are reading, math, science, and ignoring brothers (her words, not mine) 
3.) Linda loves being spicy. Her favorite food is salsa and it goes on everything. Tonight instead of spaghetti sauce, she used salsa. 

Yes this girl is my favorite. She is kind of a lot to 
handle, steals the covers, and said I looked just like Miley Cyrus (to her I guess that was a compliment) but how can you not love this little spice pot? Did I mention she loves cowboy boots?

Friday, December 26, 2008

I'll make it all better

I took care of my Christmas shopping list in about two hours. I wasn't willing to fight the crowds. Well, in truth I get kind of freaked out when there are two many people and it is just me. Despite the gobs of people in the stores I become very withdrawn and almost lonely. I become very aware of myself and what I am doing, how I am walking and the decisions I am making. Most often this is avoided because I go shopping with someone else, but it couldn't be helped this week...
Today however I was out at Old Navy with a friend and while I felt the urge to become withdrawn I fought it off with valor. While I was standing in line waiting to be checked out, I was practicing my favorite hobby. People watching. Post-Christmas is a wonderful time for my hobby, people are everywhere and they are two busy to pay any attention to a boot-clad, skinny jean wearing, 5'11'' brunette. 

Today was no different. I was blending in rather perfectly watching a five year old girl entertain herself while her mom waited in line. I watched her gaze pass over the pajamas and slippers, slide over the jewelry before it got caught on a bin of multi-colored soccer balls. I knew this was my kind of girl when she passed over the less-important stuff for the soccer balls however this theory was even more solidified when i saw what she pulled out. She dug for a while through the balls, passing over the green with blue spots, purple with yellow stripes, and the solid pink balls for.... a stethoscope. Yes she did. My kind of girl. Sure it was plastic and probably didn't work, but the fact still stands that she picked the stethoscope. She pulled it out with a huge grin on her face and yelled for her mom. She turned around, smiled at me, put the stethoscope in her ears and listened to her mom's upper thigh. She diagnosed her mom then told her not to worry, she could fix her. 

This christmas I got a stethoscope for Christmas. Probably the best gift my older brother has ever given me. I'm not in a position to say that I can fix it, but I'll listen (especially to your heart) as long as you will let me!

I was standing in a ridiculous line at Old Navy today, partaking in the after Christmas sales. When a little girl came up to 

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Eve

I skipped out on Church last Sunday. Okay, you can judge me, I'm a heathen.... Granted I was in the middle of a fifteen hour coma brought on by three weeks of sleeping less than four hours a night and running my body ragged, so maybe that judgment can be withheld a little. I don't like attending church at home. It just isn't the same as the Well, unfortunately it couldn't be avoided tonight. It is Christmas Eve after all, and my mom had to go to see Nathan Chan play his violin. His in first grade and his feet don't even touch the ground. So I pulled my cynical self together and made it to church on time. After laughing through the thirty minute pre-service music with the siblings I finally turned my attention to the service. It was as expected...

They played the usual christmas music which normally I love, however they played it with a false contemporary attitude. One that says, "i'm hip" while still wearing the cardigan and polyester suit. The pastor stood up and the five minutes I payed attention to were of Ana and waiting to see baby Jesus. Nothing was mentioned about the hope brought by the birth of this baby or love or sacrifice, just living 84 years to see a baby. Granted this is a pretty big feat when the average life expectancy was only 30 or something like that...but still no HOPE?

I wasn't listening. It's not that i'm cynical and find it hard to listen to a pastor that is hypocritical and a control freak (I do and he is....but that wasn't the problem tonight) Tonight I struggled with the lack of noise. The last service at Jacob's well that we went to, we were given bells to help us rejoice. I was wishing with every bone in my body (206 to be exact) to hear the sound of those joyous bells while i was at this service. Despite my desire there was nothing. Only the sound of the preacher's voice, children being shushhed, and a semi-drunk homeless man reciting the Gettysburg address.

My heart broke to hear the parents quieting their children and to see the "deacons" of the church escort the homeless man out. As a church we are called to love, can we not let the children praise the Lord in their own way? Or love on the homeless man who has nowhere else to go? When did it become acceptable to turn your back on these people? How ironic is it that the very people Christ came to save are being escorting out of the church?

The second problem I had was the invitation to communion. The pastor said that the table is for those who have been purchased and who Christ paid the price for. That is the truth, I very much agree with him however he made it sound as if it was exclusive and elitist. No invitation for those who haven't been purchased. No talk of hope for what Christ can do.

It was a cold, lonely christmas eve service despite the fact that the heat was working in the sanctuary and there were at least 25 families there...

on a brighter note...
The entire family is here and I have finally realized how crazy and disfunctional we are. But man is it good to be able to laugh at lame comebacks and ridiculous stories.