So my man Freud came up with the theory and basically it describes my life, read on....
So Freud says, I'm paraphrasing of course, that people desire love. When they find something they desire they want to own that, in a sense control that. They want to be the master, not only of that feeling, but of that person or thing, depending on what it is of course. So the problem we run into is when this thing, or person can't be controlled. So instead the desirer starts treating the desired badly, pushing them away and acting negatively for them.
Here's an example, think back to when you were in middle school and someone liked you. What did that boy do? He punched you.
Theory proven.
Why can't everything be that easy.... or obvious? I find it oddly funny, even ironic, that my life fits into his little theory this well. Who knows, maybe I'll turn to the dark side that is philosophy....