Tuesday, October 13, 2009

rain rain

The rain was falling softly on the truck's windshield. The highway was dark and barren, a foreshadowing of what this cold weather would be bringing to the midwestern landscape. The music played softly in the background trying in vain to cover the sound of the squeaking windshield wipers. There was a comfortable silence within the cab that let me think about answering the bitter winds call to fly with it. To keep traveling, no destination in mind, just an empty road beckoning. I broke the silence, uttering a few words about how i love driving in the rain. I didn't give away the longing to keep going, just a short sentence of how much i enjoy the sound and feeling of rain on the road. The unexpected response however answered those unspoken desires. It brought me back to my responsibilities. Grounded me. And I didn't resent him for that. I nodded my head and allowed the car to pull into the driveway and leave me.

For the first time in a long time I feel more here than there.

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